
Tuesday, 21 June 2011

Duo Normand entries open

Team Grumpy has noted the launch of the new Duo Normand website, which was opened for registrations yesterday.  The Duo Normand organisers obviously seek to favour French teams, as the site is only available in French at the moment.  However, they reckoned without Team Grumpy's linguistic skills and 'Grumpy' Art Vanderley proceeded to enter Team Grumpy in the Corpo category as in the last few events. 

One new development is the requirement for an official letter confirming that both riders in a Corporate team do indeed work for the same organisation.  At least, that's how Team Grumpy's linguist-in-chief translated the text on the website.

So, with accommodation, transport and now the race entered, all that remains for Team Grumpy is to gain some kind of form before September. 

Saturday, 18 June 2011

Grumpy Bob breaks Team Grumpy rule #2

The Team Grumpy rules, which can be found in the left-hand sidebar of this blog, include the following:
2. Don't tinker with your bike the evening before the event. It will break, either then or, worse still, during the event.
Unfortunately, Grumpy Bob has discovered that his time trial bike's headset needs a bit of attention.  He has, therefore, removed the stem and bars, disconnected the front brake and removed the front forks.  Having seen to the headset bearings, he has now reassembled everything, in time for this evening's 10 mile time trial (Century RC '10' over on the F20/10).

Will everything work OK this evening?  Will breaking rule #2 have consequences, foreseen or unforeseen?

The omens are not good for the time trial, it's very windy and heavy showers keep coming over.

Wednesday, 8 June 2011

Sartorial elegance, TG style

The Team Grumpy off-bike apparel and fluid intake vessels have arrived, and look not bad at all.  Team Grumpy wishes that the T-shirts had been arranged for the 2010 podium...